Art Licensing Portfolio Templates
2 Canva Templates + 2 Adobe Illustrator Templates
Having trouble creating your art licensing portfolio? Don't know where to start?
Feel intimidated by ALL the options for creating a portfolio?
These simple and effective templates will help you to complete your portfolio faster.
And then you can pitch that portfolio for Art Licensing!
Your beautiful art + templates =
Canva + Illustrator Portfolio Templates
2 Adobe Illustrator Templates
2 Canva Templates
44 Different Page Layouts
Available sizes: 8x10 and 14x8.5
Video Instructions for Use
Create a Polished Portfolio
Every artist needs a portfolio so they can pitch their work.
Raise your hand if you've started a portfolio but have yet to finish it..... it happens to so many artists!
Your beautiful art + templates =
Having trouble creating your art licensing portfolio? Don't know where to start?
Feel intimidated by ALL the options for creating a portfolio?
These simple and effective templates will help you to complete your portfolio faster.
And then you can pitch that portfolio for Art Licensing!
Every artist needs a portfolio so they can pitch their work.
Raise your hand if you've started a portfolio but have yet to finish it.....
it happens to so many artists!
+ 2 Adobe Illustrator Templates and 2 Canva Templates
+ 44 Different Page Layouts per Template
+ Available sizes: 8x10 in and 14x8.5 in
+ Video Instructions for Use
+ Create a Polished Portfolio Quickly!
Allow these portfolio templates take the stress out of portfolio building and completion.
Simply add your art and update the text and you will have a beautiful, streamlined portfolio ready for art licensing pitching.