Here's a recap of EVERYTHING we've covered and shared this week (scroll down):

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Hello there! 

Are you ready to leverage your art into your dream career?

I've been exactly where you are: you are dreaming of having a career as an artist. I graduated with an art degree, but then became a coffee shop manager because I didn't know how to make money with my art.

I started selling my own artwork online. I realized that I could leverage my artwork by selling products wholesale, licensing my art, doing custom work, and creating book illustrations. The possibilities seemed endless!

Now 15 years later I license my art to major companies, sell my products in 1000+ retail stores, teach & host workshops in my studio, & lead a growing team of amazing employees.

I am here to teach you exactly how I did it, save you years of trial and error, and give you the advice and tips I wish someone had given me when I launched my business. You can Leverage Your Art into a solid business.

Come on! You are about to take the biggest step towards your dream career. LET'S DO THIS!

Real Artists: Real Growth Stories


This Course Teaches How To Make Money From Your Art From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!

If you're ready to raise your hand and say,  "Heck Yes!" to your personal dreams, you can do it!

But don't take my word for it. See what my students have to say...

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Please note that the testimonials we highlight are individual experiences and are not guaranteed results.