Avoid The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Keep Artists From:

  • Crafting Irresistible Pitch Emails

  • Reaching Out To Dream Partners

  • Pitching Their Work With Confidence

  • Gaining Experience Via Collaborations

  • Building An Art Business They Love To Run

This free email course gives you everything you need to start pitching your artwork for licensing while leveraging your already-awesome work into the next level of profitability and possibility!

      An artist, business nerd, seven-figure artrepreneur, and creator of the sketch-to-success system.
      I've walked the path from coffee shop manager to running a thriving art empire, and now I'm here to help you do the same.
      With over 14 years of experience, I've mastered the art of leveraging creativity into lucrative licensing deals, wholesale products, and book illustrations.
      My artwork now graces 1,400+ retail stores, and I've helped thousands of creative entrepreneurs turn their big ideas into reality.
      I've been where you are – overwhelmed, exhausted, and ready to give up. But I discovered the sm{art}er way to build an art business you love, one that offers both profitability and freedom.
      Through years of trial and error, and late-night doodling, I've distilled everything I've learned about crafting irresistible art licensing pitches into this free 5-day email course.
      It's designed to kickstart your art licensing journey and help you avoid the pitfalls I (and many other artists) encountered.
      Ready to ditch the starving artist mythand craft a business as vibrant as your creativity?
      Let's transform your artistic passion into a thriving business – together.

      Want to make sure this free email course is β€œworth it” before you sign up?

      Here's everything that's inside:

      LESSON 1
      Mistake 1: Not Adopting The Right Mindset To Pitch Your Work
      βœ”οΈ Tackle the mental blocks that hold you back from pitching with confidence! Discover how to shift your mindset, stay motivated, and actually enjoy the pitching process.
      LESSON 2
      Mistake 2: Writing Pitch Emails Without A Proven Structure
      βœ”οΈ Learn exactly what to include while crafting pitch emails to grab your potential client's attention. Save precious time using my proven structure that you can customize for your business and land those licensing deals!
      LESSON 3
      Mistake 3: Pitching Without A Workflow
      βœ”οΈ Develop a streamlined workflow for your pitching process and say goodbye to overwhelm! Get organized, manage your time efficiently, and make pitching a breeze rather than a burden.
      LESSON 4
      Mistake 4: Missing Out On Collaborations While Chasing The Big Deals
      βœ”οΈ Learn the importance of collaborations and how to balance them with chasing your dream clients. Use my strategies to find potential collaborators, gain real-life experience, and grow your brand!
      LESSON 5
      Mistake 5: Playing The Short-Term Game
      βœ”οΈ Last, but not least, understand how to sustain yourself in the art licensing world, ensure your efforts pay off over time, and maintain visibility to keep your career on an upward trajectory.